Background Image for American Golf

American Golf Case Study

UK Future Growth

Understanding the Size of the Prize


American Golf has 90 stores across the UK and ROI located on golf courses, A roads and retail parks. Customers range from a one-off purchase in-store or online to dedicated golf enthusiasts who shop on a regular basis. Our challenge was to understand and evidence the opportunity for future growth by understanding American Golf's stores, catchments, customers and their behaviour.


  • Profile the American Golf Customer base, and show the propensity to purchase based on key demographics.
  • Understand the relationship between physical locations and online, and whether an online halo exists.
  • Understand how far customers are willing to travel, and how this differs by location type.
  • Evidence the sales and catchment change from historical relocations. Understand the sales recapture from store closures.
  • Forecast potential sales for all areas across the UK.
  • Build an algorithm to score and rank the priority locations for new American Golf stores, incorporating the cannibalisation of the existing estate.


Working with Geolytix has provided us with tangible evidence and a greater understanding of our key customer groups as well as pinpointing priority locations for strategic expansion. The insights gained have provided a consistent fact base, empowering our board to make well-informed decisions. We look forward to continuing to understand our customer and catchments as our estate grows and feeding this back in to future learnings.

Simon Owers, CFO

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